Curriculum Vitae


Experimental Economics, Preference Formation, Culture and Economics, Political Economy



Associate Professor (with tenure), University of New South Wales, School of Economics, UNSW Business School, Sydney, Australia (2019 – present)

Associate Professor (with tenure), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Division of Social Science, Kowloon, Hong Kong (2019)

Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Division of Social Science, Kowloon, Hong Kong (2011 – 2019)

Visiting Assistant Professor, U.C. Berkeley, Department of Economics (Fall 2011)



Ph.D., Economics, U.C. Berkeley
B.A., Economics, Stanford University


“The fundamental determinants of protest participation: Evidence from Hong Kong’s antiauthoritarian movement,” (with Davide Cantoni, Louis-Jonas Heizlsperger, David Y. Yang, and Noam Yuchtman) Journal of Public Economics 211 (2022): 104667.


“The Competitive Woman: Evolutionary Insights and Cross-Cultural Evidence into Finding the Femina Economica,” (with Alessandra Cassar), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization:, 2022, 197, 447-471.


“Persistent Political Engagement: Social Interactions and the Dynamics of Protest Movements” (with Leonardo Bursztyn, Davide Cantoni, David Y. Yang, and Noam Yuchtman), American Economic Review: Insights, 2021, 3(2), 233-50.


“Multiple Switching and Data Quality in the Multiple Price List” (with Chi Wai Yu and Xuejing Zuo), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 103(1), 136-150.


“Protests as Strategic Games: Experimental Evidence from Hong Kong’s Democracy Movement” (with Davide Cantoni, David Y. Yang, and Noam Yuchtman). Quarterly Journal of Economics, (2019), 134(2), 1021-1077.


“Culture, Institutions, and the Gender Gap in Competitive Inclination: Evidence from the Communist Experiment in China.” Economic Journal, (2019), 129(617), 509-552.


“Curriculum and Ideology” (with Davide Cantoni, Yuyu Chen, David Y. Yang, and Noam Yuchtman). Journal of Political Economy, (2017), 125(2), 338-392.


“Competing for the benefit of offspring eliminates the gender gap in competitiveness” (with Alessandra Cassar and Feven Wordofa). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (2016), 113(19), 5201-5205.



“Response to Competition: Gender, Domains, and STEM Choice” (with Fanghua Li)


“Can Experimental Economics Explain Competitive Behavior Outside the Lab?”



“Signaling Cooperative Intent in a Public Goods Game with Endogenous Institution Formation” (with Gautam Bose and Samuel Pietsch)


“Does Media Reporting on Corruption Influence Beliefs about Fairness?” (with Xincheng Ge)



“Introduction to special issue on ‘Economic experiments in the lab and in the field in developing countries’” (with Bertil Tungodden and Shachar Kariv). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2015), 118, 1.



2023: STEP UP ‘what works in education’ (University of New South Wales), Department of Economics (University of Auckland), Department of Economics (Deakin University), Department of Economics (University of Melbourne), Economics Department (University of Technology Sydney)

2022: Department of Economics (University of Western Australia), Sydney Experimental and Behavioural Research Group (University of Sydney), Experimental Economics Seminar (University of Melbourne)

2021: Institute of Social and Economic Research (Osaka University), BET and CDES seminar series (Monash University)


Hopkins China Forum (Johns Hopkins SAIS), Center for Global Asia (NYU Shanghai)



Introduction to Econometrics, Undergraduate and Postgraduate (Term 2, 2021, Term 1, 2022, Term 1, 2023)

Behavioural Economics, Undergraduate and Postgraduate (Term 1, 2020, Term 1, 2021, Term 1, 2022, Term 1, 2023)

Quantitative Analysis in Social Science, Graduate (Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2019)
Introduction to Economics, Undergraduate (Fall 2014, Spring 2019)
Social Research Methods, Graduate (Fall 2013, Fall 2012)
Behavioral Games, Undergraduate (Spring 2013, Fall 2018)

Quantitative Methods for Social Science, Undergraduate (Spring 2012, Spring 2014, Fall 2014)


PhD Student Supervision: Alice Calder, Mingkui Wen, Danyue Liang, Yaxin Liu

PhD Thesis Committee: Shuang Shi, Jiaxin Xie, Lingwei Wu, Filip Fidanoski, Ian Hoefer Marti

MPhil Student Supervision: Yuan Tian, Yao Gong, Xincheng Ge

MPhil Thesis Committee: Xiaoyue Shan, Jiaying Chen, Jun Fang

Honours Student Supervision: Mirlinda Binakaj, Samuel Pietsch (University Medal winner)


Associate Editor for the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2023 – )

Co-chair of Econometric Society Australasian Meetings 2023

Member of the Australasian Regional Standing Committee of the Econometric Society (2023 – )

Guest editor for the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (special issue on Economic
Experiments in Developing Countries) Volume 118, 1-414 (October 2015)

Co-organizer of First, Second and Third Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries in
2011 (UC Berkeley), 2012 (UC Berkeley), and 2013 (Norwegian School of Economics)



Economics Journals

American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, China Economic Review, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Econometrica, Economic Journal, Economica, Economics and Human Biology, European Economic Review, Experimental Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Transition, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, Journal of Urban Economics, Management Science, Oxford Economic Papers, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics


Other Journals and Grant-making Institutions

Human Nature, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Nature Climate Change, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Scientific Reports, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), National Science Foundation, Hong Kong Research Grants Council


2022-2023            AUD$20,000  Dean’s Research Fellowship

2021                       AUD$10,000  Health@Business Grant; PI

2017-2021             €637,500         ERC Starting Grant, w/ HKUST as Partner Institution; Co-I (2017-19)

2016-2019             HK$90,000    School Based Initiative, HKUST SHSS; PI

2013-2016             HK$493,100   RGC Early Career Scheme; PI

2012-2014             HK$100,000   RGC Direct Allocation Grant; PI



2021 UNSW Business School, Highly Commended Research Excellence Award

2013 Research Grants Council, ECS Award (for top proposals)

2010 U.C. Berkeley, Institute for Business and Economic Research, Dissertation Research Award

2008 U.C. Berkeley, Dean’s Normative Time Fellowship

2001 Stanford University, Phi Beta Kappa



Languages: English (native), Mandarin (native), Shanghainese (native)
Citizenship: USA